
Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join Brisbane Fairways Golf Club?

We welcome men and women of all ages who enjoy playing the game of golf. We currently have members who play with a handicap of 3 to 30 and welcome all standards of play.

Will I be able to get a handicap?

Whilst no longer being able to provide an official handicap, we are able to assist you in finding the most cost effective, suitable way for you to obtain one.

How much is membership with Brisbane Fairways Golf Club

Brisbane Fairways Membership is:

Initial membership is $149 – which includes your club shirt and life membership to Drummond Golf Subsequent membership is $75

How much do games cost?

Please review our 2023 Fixture List via the menu at the top of this page. All black games on the list are $55 for members. Green games are played at high end courses and are $85 for members. Visitors and guests are welcome at any game, space permitted. Brisbane Fairways Golf Club is a non profit organisation. All funds raised are spent on the club and club activities. Cheaper courses subsidise a) our more expensive courses b) prizes, trophies etc c) our end of year function.

How many players attend each match?

In 2022 we averaged 32 players at each game. Currently we have around 50 members, 46 males and 4 females.

I have more questions, who can I contact?

I have more questions, who can I contact? Club Secretary (Adam) can be emailed at Alternatively, fill in the form on the “Contact Us” tab at the top of the page and we will be in touch as soon as possible.